So back in the stone ages, I saved pictures like these, that are a few of my absolute faves. I'm hoping you can help me out and tell me where they might have come from, since they were saved back in the stone ages...
These candles are so pretty! Perfect for fall holidays!
I think this came from Martha Stewart, and I'm not sure why I saved it - but I think this was the start of my obsession with white dishes. That and The Nester's hutch.
Ever seen Ratatouille? This is the only way I could get my kids to eat squash for a while.
I will make this dress one day. I saved this before I started blogging. Or sewing. That was like 3 years ago. Better get on that huh?
So I'm pinning all of my old images to pinterest today. If you aren't on Pinterest, you can request an invite from me by commenting below. OR follow me... at JennyButtler. I'm off and pinning....
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