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Barely Passing

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24

This past Sunday night, I watched as my children swarmed around the house preparing for the week ahead.  The girls were busy picking out clothes and cleaning out backpacks and lunch-boxes.  My son was shifting back and forth from the computer to the table finishing up a biology project that wasn't even due until Tuesday. 

This incredible overabundance of gratitude and pride emerged.  They're doing what I've taught them and asked them so many times do!!!!!  And I didn't even have to ask them to do it!!!!  Just as I was about to break out into full on momma-happy-dance... God handed me a magnifying glass.  I walked over to his project, and upon further inspection, I noticed that it was really lacking in detail - detail that my little teacher heart knew he could add to get the "A" I knew he was capable of.  And there may have been a little... okay, a lot of teacher coming out when I stumbled over the right way to tell him that he was capable of doing better.  

Before I knew it, I was fully engaged in confrontation with my teenager.  What stopped me in my tracks were these words from his mouth - words that were said with such conviction, that it just broke my teacher heart:  "I don't know why you're so upset???  It's passing, and that's good enough!!"

I began to wonder where I had gone wrong.  When did "That's the best I can do" get exchanged with "I'm okay doing the bare minimum?"  I felt a tinge of disappointment in myself as a mother.  And as I stepped back from this confrontation, God pointed the magnifying glass at me.  When did I stop giving God my best?  When did I become okay with just barely passing for Jesus?  

I needed alone time with God to rekindle the desire to do my best for him.  He brought me to our scripture for today's post, and reminded me that as long as I seek Him, he will bridge the gap of where I fall short as a mom.  He reminded me that when I focus on Him, give Him my very best of everything - that He will pour out his very best on me.  

I don't want to be lacking in his eyes.  Next time, I'm giving it all.  I'm starting by looking for opportunitites to bless others.  I'm recording the blessings I see around me everyday.  Are you with me?  

Resources to Reconnect:
Ann Voskamp's  1000 Gifts Devotional


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