I am choosing to participate in Ann Voskamp's #JoyDare for 2014. She is calling 2014 "The Year to Fly". I could not have poured over her blog pages more only five short days ago as I stood on the cliff of the new year not really feeling able to fly at all. I certainly won't say it was Ann that gave me wings and helped me to get out of a crazy pit that I was in, because it was Christ... but she certainly gave me inspiration on where to look in God's word that strummed on my depressed little heart strings perfectly.
So I will begin counting my blessings. A gratitude list.

- For getting back on track.
- For Whitley's safe dentist appointment.
- For wonderful teaching partners who support me when I'm sick!
- For sleeping children who let their parents rest.
- For a bountiful New Year's Day Dinner - ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, cornbread and black eyed peas.
- For my wonderful BLUE workout outfit from my mom that ALMOST inspires me to go run even though it is 40 outside!
- For Beth Moore's free books.
- For a beautiful bracelet from my husband for Christmas.
- For a wonderful Christmas in Austin with my grandmother.
- For chocolate!!!!!
- something I'm making - thankful for sparkly blue material to make a cape like Elsa's from Frozen for my sweet girls....
- For my husband who took such great care of me when I was sick!
- A gift held - for my beautiful neice's brand new perfectly perfect little girl
- Thankful for returning back to work.... closer to summer!
- Thankful today for the health of my father-in-law who came through gallbladder surgery and is just fine!!
- one thing in my bag - so thankful for ipads and iphones to enterain my littles on log trips to the store
- one thing in my fridge - yummy southern biscuits to make pig-in-a-blankets!
- something in my heart - Romans 8:1-2
- 3 graces from people I love - my husband's words over Christmas vacation that snapped be back to reality.
- 3 graces from people I love - all of my friends who responded with such love and support after I poured my heart out!
- 3 graces from people I love - my mother. who is full of unending grace and compassion and support
- dusky light - being able to blog and read God's word before interuptions
- surprising reflection - my first blog post of 2014.
- for First Baptist Church, Rockpot and how anxious I am to start a new bible study next week.
- Lovely shadow - so thankful for cloud covered rainy days to prepare our garden for some spring planting! It was freezing yesterday, and warm today with constant drizzle!
- a yellow gift - for the bright yellow son that was shining today
- for driving by a certain place and being able to claim redemption with Romans 8:1-2
- 1/11/14 - a husband who paints my daughter's nails.
- 1/11/14 - for laughing and giggling little girls who sleep over and the promise to have people over more often
- 1/11/14 - a freezer full of deer meet
- 1/12/14 - the first time at church in 2014... for a great sermon and a little conviction in sunday school
- 1/12/14 - The gift of a very talented and smart son working on his biology project beside me at the table
- 1/13/14 - for being organized and getting test grades into the computer
- 1/13 for being patient with certain students
- 01/13 for being responsible about getting to meetings on time
- 1/14 - for SUCH a good night's sleep
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